Monday, August 12, 2013

Advocare 24 Day Challenge

Soo... I just returned from vacation where I enjoyed four days of beach & fishing fun, with non-stop eating in between (think fried seafood, greasy mexican food, too many beers and margaritas to count).  Not to mention, we are coming up on the end of summer and the last few weekends have been filled with lots of fun activities (and also plenty of completely unhealthy meal options and boozing).  

I am really not used to eating fried foods (or just that much food in general) as I live alone so I usually eat small, simple meals, and I don't really eat out all that much unless it's a special occasion or I'm eating out with a friend.  Needless to say - today, as my summer fun activities are officially over.... I am feeling like I need a serious DETOX.

A while back I had purchased the Advocare 24-Day challenge kit, but never started it because around the same time, I was on and off again sick and on some serious antibiotics.  I decided I didn't want to start the challenge in the middle of my antibiotics, and once I was done with that, it was smack dab in the middle of my summer fun!  So it didn't make much sense to start in the middle of all that.

So tomorrow is the day I will start the 24 day challenge and I will try to do updates on the blog.  **I am NOT an advocare distributor, nor do I plan on becoming one.  I have a friend that is and I purchased the products through her.  Just thought I'd throw that out there for everyone as an FYI.  If anyone is looking for someone to purchase the products, just comment and I'd be happy to get you the information.

I am also planning on stepping up my workout routine during the challenge as well, so I can get the maximum results.  I have been doing really good since February on sticking with the routine I have (body pump twice a week with a least two cardio sessions - either body combat or running on the treaadmill).... however I want to add an extra workout day in, as I'm currently training for a 10k that's on September 14th so I need to get more running in.

I was smart enough to take today off work for some post-vacation recovery time, so I am planning on doing all my measurements/weigh in, as well as doing some meal prep and planning to get ready for the challenge.  I will post that eventually, maybe at the end so I can show a before/after pic!

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